Integral Quadrants in Three Dimensions - Spinner





Spinner has a little bit of help on the right-mouse button. One of the options it to change how you look at color:

Here the combination of Red Gree Blue almost reaches the brilliance of White and can go down as dark as black.
White reaches down elements of it getting subtracted one at a time, one per side until in the bottom center it is dark.

Black as composed of the subractive colors and White as additive. This somehow seems 'more' obvious than the above view and it works well as a stand-alone model. to show union, i prefer to use the first representation

Overlayed here are the 'numbers of the magic square. This is the

 6  1  8  15
 7  5  3  15
 2  9  4  15 
15 15 15  15 

tetrahedron puzzle at the root of the trigram system of chinese taoism. The heaven/earth arrangement is as follows:
 2  3  6  9 = 20
 8  7  4  1 = 20
10 10 10 10 = 40
When you arrange it as shown the two tetrahedrons balance out and the numbers themselves refreshingly illuminate some zodiac ideas instead of reinforcing geometric approaches to that crazy field.

But look at this! Aqua/Cyan and Fuchsia/Magenta have some odd labels next to them. io and oi to me here mean input/output, output/input. These are well connected to 'source and reason' and they tie in beautifully with their respective origins. I chose IO/OI because we've not yet identified anything besides reason and 'source' to act directly. even the 'shadowy sink' can only work with comes from source.

   This program animates two interlocking tetrahedrons as shown on the left.

As it tumbles on your screen you will see the naturalistic order of the quadrants rather than the more practical 'untwisted' version common in integral theory. Please don't let this bother you. The spinner is 'compliant' with physics as the links to the labs will show you.

Besides using the spinner as a reference model for contemplating the world you can use it to access and train your ability process 3D information through visualization. Familiarize yourself with the theory and the most common ways of representing color by taking a look at these pages:

The spinner projected into

It can be difficult to visualize in 3D if you've not worked at that, and even then it takes some doing to train your self to recognise the EQUALITY of the spectrum, composition, process and representation. And its pretty much only when you have some degree of fluency with styles of projection, to a point where you can pick one style over another to present your material in, that you can start using it so visualize dimensions elsewhere.

Anyway, that's what I do for fun. If you feel like you want to have the spinner hang out on your screen for a while, check out this 'color-correct' version:

program (zip)

See an integrated view of the mysteries in the language and form of color theory. The simultaneity of color with its corresponding and well established central model makes an excellent object for pondering 'projection'! In the three links fo EFG's lab you will see the three dominant ways in which science projects and uses the 'central 3d object' when confronted with confinement in two dimensions.

If light has to go through transformations like this, the ancients said, how much more so thought!

Earlier i've shown a qualitative match to alchemy. add to that now the color mapping and you are starting to see a pattern of how this form permeates the world.

perhaps you would document a few domains yourself.

Watch it spin and see what it projects into 2d..
Spy how lines hiding other lines complicate conversation! See how opposites and their resolutions are a structural component. See how a sequential study of diagrams has been turned into a simultaneous view of them.

People have been recording this insight through differently style projection for at least 6000 years. Voila.

The 2 interlocked holons offer twice the surfaces space of an i-ching and they can represent the eternal meeting the temporal .. and just about anything else between heaven and earth.

From this perspective the single or double holon look exactly like the grid!

Now that you've seen a bit about the form you can appreciate better why we can get into confusing arguments within what from the 2d/outside would look like a single straight line.

As you can now see when you look at a grid system, you are also looking at one or two tetrahedrons at the same time.

The marvelous chinese system of notation covers areas. That makes it difficult to visualize spatially at first as it fits both a cube and a surface view.

If we make a circle around the 8 points in general, we get the resonances to vedic cosmology.

we can add a lines between the points to make a cube and map the formulas to those;

we can change the quality of our view, add a third holon and designate them 'beginner, student, expert' and work on demarcating magnitude boundaries so the elements from AQAL can form a landscape in visualisation.

I'm to tiny to see the edges of this thing, but looking at the integrative powers of the center, i come away happy and report 'EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED IN KNOWABLE WAYS'.

Fun with Trigrams

Here you have my best-efforts mapping of Taoism to the colors and quadrants of western traditions.

You should look at the oriental system at focusing on the 'cause behind' in its representation.

For example (7) 'the volatility' in anger is the potentially dangerous liquid. (6) The name of a thing connecting to a solid shape for it, (8) sudden change as giving rise to sensation, (9) a formless source (3x3 triangles.. is there a fourth hiding? a core/root holon? the next recursive level? yep, this is usually folded up with red or blue) behind all thought, (2) the descriptions, insight and connections recognized during/in thunder[8] (4) the feelings and reflections evoked by the mountain [6] (3) the burning flame, the lit sun, [7] alight. (5) is the unique point of view.

The colors here and there are as different as our cultural lenses dictate, but I trust the wisdom of the scholars and translators respect and follow their meaning. I hope this by-product of looking at Taoism finds resonance with you. Let me know.