We talk about quadrants and change and evolution and how to use all that stuff and all too often we're a little fuzzy about how to really tweak things when we have to.
Say you're with me looking at Figure 4-4 in ATOE, that's page 70 in my copy and you're saying to yourself... self, you got so much attention to spend and right now you're spending it here and i want you to give me more of this and less of that.
The question then is not one of 'change' per se, you already told your self what you want it to do.. the question is more about 'do you actually know how to support your self in doing that'?
And that 'what the heck am I supposed to do' is what these (uh oh) algebraic rules explain.
Seriously. That's what they do. And fear of algebra is not going to keep you from them, cause I'll spell it out in english too..
"CREATING *I AM* *I* UPPER LEFT" (Intentional/Power) increase Cultural, increase Behavioral == more Intentional results. increase Social, small increase Behavioral == same increase small increase Cultural, diminish Social == same increase "CREATING *US* *WE* LOWER LEFT" (Cultural/Intellect) increase Intentional, diminish Behavioral == more Cultural results increase Intentional, increase Social == (careful not to overdo it) great increase increase Behavioral, increase Social == same increase "CREATING *YOU* *ITS* LOWER RIGHT" (Social/Mass) increase Intentional, decrease Behavioral (lots!) == more Social results increase Cultural (a little will do), decrease Intentional == same increase increase Cultural, decrease Behavioral == same increase "CREATING *ME* *IT* TOP RIGHT" (Behavioral/Flow) increase Intentional, decrease Cultural == more Behavioral results increase Intentional, decrease Social == (careful not to overdo it) great increase increase Cultural, decrease Social == same increase.Voila! and there you have my "Marvelous Declaration of Interdependence"
Here's an example on how to use it....
you want to meditate more? read more? .. that's behaviour, right? so look in the last block of three and take note that you got two options whereby you can get that to happen by intentionality a long as you give up some movies or just defer a few social calls. Brilliantly obvious no? If that does not work for you, the 3rd option tells you that you can join a meditation group and that as long as you don't go there for the chit-chat, that you will get your extra time to practice. Nifty!
the other way around.. for me to smoke less, i need to do less of my own thing and hang out more. fancy that!
OK that's it fellow integral integrators,
Next time you're having that talk with your self about 'change' try giving the self-system a few hints about how to go about that. With these rules you have plenty of flexibility to employ your ego creatively along these formal lines.. or at the very least you have a place of reference that will tell you if you're going about something in a completely bogus way.
Perhaps this helps someone somewhere to enliven things or just to come out from under some paradox.
With best Regards,
I'll shut up for now ;)