4/8/2005 8:39 PM

Integral Quadrants in Three Dimensions

I thank you for stopping by and taking a look.

Coming to you from the voice of science past, from before its fall.
Before teachers, science was the power of religion.
That was a long time ago.
Myth tells us what happened.
And we don't believe it still.
Now queue up 'The Wall'..

Kindofa backgrounder

I'm a beginning student of Ken Wilber's work. 
I've read TOE a few times and I have used the Spiraldynamics work.
I'm 1/3 into SES now.
Compared to you, I know nothing.

But I'm not stupid.
I've used a watch with four cardinal points,
I've used maps and I've read books on magic.
I know a thing or two about the qualitative and process meaning of 'four directions' in the world.

Because of this I wonder why a work that is about integrating:
	is not explicitly derived from what went before
	and why its diagrams mostly have arrows pointing away from unification

As I very much want to update my language and master the Integral Vocabulary
I find that I can't quite match the diagrams to a consistent inner model 
and that the inner model I have build from a study of the mysteries is ever so slightly off.

But that is me. I'm not even done with SES.

Another thing bothering this newbie as he's reading integral theory is
that the presentation stays in the upper mental without refreshing dips
in more engaging waters or even specific tangible observations.

I enjoy the educational experience and range of insights this offers
but I'm not seeing the central object, how we make it rationally subjective
and consistent with real world effects.

Perhaps this is too much to demand from a temporal phenomena!

In my reading of the mysteries I've greatly enjoyed the real-world
subjective link to inner experience and the experiential interconnectedness 
of symbols, forces, experiences and manifestations made available to me
through the available rich symbol sets.

In my study of mythology for example I, like many others, have realized it 
as the inner language of mathematics and while not a math guy per se, I have
been able to nail down a rather obvious (to the initiated) match to Jung
coming from the Laws of Electricity to help me synopsize and rectify
some alchemical works.

My integration maps through the electromagnetic force, others static/dynamic
mappings such as one for gravity those for the strong and weak forces 
can probably be gotten from other specialists, and be found to 
mesh with the hard inner core of the mysteries

As I've not been able to find key notions of simultaneity, interdependence,
mutual evolution, intrinsic relations, shadow functions etc solidly 
described in Wilber yet I decided to come forward with some of my crib-notes,
put forth 'what i expect' and ask for input..

In my pages on the quadrants,
  am I anticipating some integrations 
  or am I missing some sort of boat here?

Enlighten me; I'd be much oblidged.

I realize that what I'm asking you to evaluate is a bit unusual, freightening
and deeply confusing even, and that's just my inept writing. but that's ok, 
  it's all really simple, actually.

could there possibly be a mapping from the way you feel to the way you think?
can you predict the effects of thinking to much?
of thinking not enough?
can you forecast the effect of action x on the entire system?

I think you can, I think the mysteries let you, 
  and I think the discussion about AQAL and P2P might each draw value
  from the discussion of 'how 3d modeling' at present, stands to yeild
  valuable distinctions for clarification of somewhat esoteric points.