One way of mapping Electricity to Astrology:
Ohm's Law mapped to the Zodiac
alpha. Thursday, January 31, 2002 1:02:39 PM, Moon 23..24virgo  

This is my astrological 'phase' to DC 'flow' mapper.
It is meant to be 'between astrologers' and only the diagram really matters. :) 
You can think of it as mapping nouns to verbs by analogue if you must..
It maps the sign and elements to ohm's laws.
It seems to work pretty well for grounding astrological know-how.
try it out. i'll make this more accessible down the road if need be. 

here are some observation on the taurus/scorpio relationship gained by treating the 
formula as if it were the entire sign. no outside reference, no mumbo jumbo. 
taurus: power over matter; resistance times the current squared.
scorpio: domination of emotions; resistance times the current.
both benefit from increased resistance and current.
at equal current-flow levels and resistances, scorpio's power is less than taurus's 
and at equal powerlevels taurus will require a sqrt() sized flow relative to scorpio.
there is no heat in scorpio (-P), taurus generates heat. that's the opposition.

gemini: power over mind; domination times current
shares a pattern with scorpio, resistance is not an issue for gemini it has uses 
domination and current in the way that scorpio uses resistance and current.
gemini: and taurus both seek 'power over',
to get there one relies on resistance met, the other on potential to impress.

saggitarius: domination over spirit; the sqrt() of power times resistance.
this product is limited by a square, balancing it exactly to gemini.

you have to start somewhere when learning a new language. use this map as a guide 
to judging sign relationships for a while and you'll see how its uses grow on you.
i think this grid has an almost obscene amount of core astrological thinking in it.
let me know if it works for you. 
this image meant to help in visualizing ohm's law. 

mapping extremities example
look at your right palm. from the top down the fingers pertain to fire(P), air(U), 
water(I), and earth(R) as in this diagram of ohm law. the forces/points on the ends
correspond to the diaphragms and the space between the fingers. 

the thumb is like the chicken that came before the egg. it is the 5th, the purpose 
in the four dimensions. its not in this stuff. astrology just deals with the pressures
and the manifestations. you dont need it. this pointer back to your hand might inspire
you to map astrology and the notion of 'higher/lower' to the phalanges. its a cool 
mnemonic device, imo anyhow. 
its not hard to map this stuff elsewhere. programmers do it all the time yet i've 
never seen them break this nut by just supposing that there already is perfectly 
acceptable mapping table. bwo astrology and ohm's law you can now map verbs to nouns
and back. works for DC and especially AC but the notations make my head spin. DC is easier to note. 

extra reader work
here's a grid consolidating the above, transformed to show the line of symmetry/polarities.
can you tell the signs? 


on the bottom of the page we do have a cutting pattern for the obelisc.. nah, its just the 
four directions of the compass and the classic sign/ 'planets' links of, umm, classical 
astrology. its based on the same data as the grid. can you tell the formula? 

more extra reader work
the assigment of the signs to ohms law required only an origin and the application of a 
consistent pattern. can you tell which and why its the right one? 

before i forget
this might all make more sense if i provided a table of classic angle to verb table, 
wouldn't it? this one's adapted for 'horary' astrology, the branch most concerned with 
the meaning latent in a moment: first 0 prominence  
second 30 growth twelveth 
 45 friction  
third 60 opportunity eleventh 
fourth 90 obstacles tenth 
fifth 120 luck ninth 
 135 agitation  
sixth 150 expansion eighth 
seventh 180 separation  
you measure from the slower to the faster moving object.
for angles above 180 subtract from 360 and apply as an integrator
for angles below 180 apply as a generator.
the first and last columns are the house-relationship. you go figure.

120 degrees, start of 5th 30 degree house, concerned with 'luck' from 110..140 more or less, depending on factor
-120 degrees, start of 9th! house, ruled by planet of luck, jupiter, integrated expansive drives.

I studied Astrosynthesis from 84..87 under the late Zoltan Mason of New York City, 
a world-traveller, MD, linguist, Bookseller and natural Astrologer. He taught the 
line of 17th century French astrologer Morin de Villefranche. It works so well for 
me that at times even Rudhyar has to take a backseat to Villefranche 
All of the above is original work, copyrighted, permission required, etc. consider it 
a very first cut published as an observation on: and for its own sake.