4/7/2005 11:58 PM

Integral Quadrants in Three Dimensions

I thank you for stopping by and taking a look.

Coming to you from the voice of science past, from before its fall.
Before teachers, science was the power of religion.
That was a long time ago.
Myth tells us what happened.
And we don't believe it still.
Now queue up 'The Wall'..



Added "The Spinner" to give a birds-eye view of the modeling complexities which AQAL has to address and adequately cover in order to fully integrate the dimensions understood and offered by the mystics.

Also added it to indicate the 'unitive' state of consciousness.
Usually you can do just fine with a single tetrahedron but as you will see below, the triangles in a tetrahedron like to share just one two points with each other on any topic, so their union offers powerful synergies. and needs to be considered as different from a 'single' as a 'couple' is. In fact in this way, it is the model of self (lower self & higher self) and it is the model of relating.

This Page is about the basics


I'll illustrate this three ways:

  1. With a Feng-Shui observation on the limits of what you can express in 2d with a walk through of some things that work and why. The Visual presentation of information is an art. Making qualitative communications in that medium not only hard, but really hard. Sometimes people die! because of how salesmanship and ego projections flow into 2D presentations.

  2. By reminding people that a internal change, or change in emphasis on one quadrant will have predictable network effects in the remaining quadrants. Ohm's very cohesive law makes an excellent starting point to explore this phenomena with philosophivally and my proposal is that in so doing one will learn to recognize it as 'the purple language of beige'. One is asked to look at using Ohm's law qualitatively (**) for a scientifically sound expression of the qualities and modes intrinsic to every four quadrant model.

  3. By explaining a bit about how alchemy, for lack of good algebraical notation wrapped the very concepts of 'purple speaking for beige' into mathematically correct systems of symbol and story existant 'under red' which contain a great deal of usable information about the structure I'm proposing as well as offering innumerable ties to the collective mind. I will try to show how the design of the zodiac already presents clear answers to questions like 'how does evolution progress between the quadrants'.

'In my book', to look at something qualitatively the scientist has to ponder the fundamental forces as if they were coupled equally.
   say you're looking at Fundamental Forces and you want to explain to someone how they relate.. would this not do?

"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility." Albert Einstein

as far as i know the qualitative experience of the four Fundamental Forces relate as indicated by Ohms law (below) on an average day when all other variables do what they usually do..

There is a paper by Kaipa, Newham & Volckmann presenting the benefits of reasoning with the Tetrahedron solid. You will want to read that first to get a sense of the import of this concept. They show you how to get started as a 'space-cadet' in a perfectly respectable way.

You could also look at an article about tarot if watching grown-ups learn to think in pictures is not offensive to you. Better perhaps is a scan of Algebra in the Renaissance for historical nuggets on occultism knowledge as currency.

Having seen the practical uses of Tetrahedron, please make sure to scan this Interview with an avid Tetrahedron user This is how an informed rational person uses the essence of the mysteries.

Below now you have a first cut for a Toy to let you do explore the nature of subjective and qualitative experience by using a mathematical model of subtle forces over 130 years old:


The Integral Toy

This program will give you a feel for the changes predicted by Ohm's law. Its not doing everything I want it to do yet, but it more than shows 1/3 of the formulas in action.

Pictures the formulas for Power in 2d.
The program models one such triangle for each slider.


here's now's gui combining astrological colors
with the quadrants tied to sliders and formulas about electricity.



  • interconnectedness
  • simultaneity
  • full system view
  • boundaries
  • qualitative predictions

  • fully open source
  • fully compatible with existing cosmologies
  • has been production quality and stable for 6000+ years
  • fully translated
  • free.
  • already universally taught but not explained
  • simply the most advanced system in the world.

    all these things are true for alchemy. if the AQAL system could avail itself of the up & down current, open itself up to the third dimension, it could become the post-mystic thing it might want to be, for now, from a technical perspective and judging only by the presentation and visual materials, it could use a little help from the past.

    i'm not doing anything today, so lets delve on a little deeper!




here's why this is important:

See how the words in the AQAL map delineate 'beginner,student,expert' using nouns as if it was a map of places to visit?

That's a model-hiding, space-making trick you use to focus a diagram. Diagrams get projected from models and the more tricked out a diagram becomes, the less true to the model it can usually be, so a rift between model and what you're modeling in your head emerges and confusion and debate set in

Unpacking the hidden dimensions of information through diagrams or solid models is not new of course except that today more and more people struggle modelling simultaneity and are brave enough to speak about it.

information packing warps our minds and we need to be careful with it. when done in 2d it allows you to make mistakes that you could not make had you been projecting your diagram from an actual spatial model.

Ohm's Law

There are 12 basic formulas to be derived from Ohm's Voltage=Current*Resistance and Power=Voltage*Current formulas and you can find them in the grid to the right.

Your job is to match them to AQAL better than I have.

In the Selfcorp Pyramid below you would place 2 formulas per line, If you were putting them into 'Spinner' you would use 1 per line.

The attributes which I have made are shown here. If you are a serious astrologer you will have no problem with this, i know ;) Capricorn for example reads "More intellect, less emotionality yields more concrete results". I have delineated the signs, decans, triplicities, squares and inferiors as used in alchemy in order to show plainly what people in the spiritual books are trying to say in so many words. Its all connected. And it works like so:

to make a qualitative reading find 2 quadrants to relate. pick one of the three formulas and envision options to increase or decrease the attention in that sector. pick you best option and go for it. the different types of operations that you wind up selecting from have intrinsically different qualities. learn to 'feel them'.

I'll add plots of the patterns as functions when I get around to it, I trust that people reading this can tell the feel of '+' from that of '*' or '**2'


This would be a list of all the formula choices
The row-heading reveal introduced the 'shadow', the element we least
Want to change. each element expresses 3 shadow-relations.

Now, as the man says, "When a person cannot explain the principles of a science without reference to a metaphor, the probability is, that he has never thought accurately upon the subject."

I invite your accurate thinking on any causal relationship between the quadrants to inform your concepts and your philosophy. If I'm wrong, tell me! But before you jump, please consider the possibility that our use of mathematics may legitimately be evolving through the quadrants, up to a better AQAL, and down to a properly extended Robert Recorde

The Selfcorp Pyramid

Modeling and diagramming are substantiall different when you think about it, if you've ever tried to document something, then you know thaty they are nothing like each other but that they intrinsically spring from one-another.

The pyramid diagrams with its verbs and foci nouns seems active as if modeling some process connected to it. You can get the sense that location, location, location matters inside that pyramid.

You can also see how 'adjecency' means that you share 2 out of three approaches. 'Beginner, student, expert' here shows up as (controlling, planning, presenting) (analyzing, controlling,improving) (imitating, improving, planning).

Its two out of three elements producing a fourth..


See again Kaipa, Newham & Volckmann's Paper where they unfold the triune qualities like so: (looks like it fell over to the left?)

Signs of the Zodiac

Astrology models the 'starting,sustaining,integrating' levels of development once by sign and once by house position. The signs themselves represent the levels of development in their order which happens to be the order in which evolution is said to percolates through the quadrants.

If you compare carefully you will notice that its has the same elements but is telling a story about the sequence in which we focus on "Intervention, Modification, Negotiation, Solution" as the pryamid but

The same again as a 2d digram having stood the test of time but intended to convey 'relations with the ground of being':

you can read it for 'in time' evolution, or backwards for a walk into the past: The trinue pyramids of Astrology unrolled around a common center. "The Ground is the end, attitude the means". unrolling makes plain how things progress and evolve. thats how you trace the past. just be honest when picking a starting point in this qualitative dna.


wheel colors wrong. oops:

For an alchemist and astrologer, Wikipedia's article on alchemy is not. To this one its the writing of tourist reporting back from a warzone in the winner's words.. The battle took place when we individuated mentally and needed an 'other' to differentiate from. Alchemy didn't mind and has waited for us to come back to first principles. And it does not mind that all the talk about gold has confused and detered the fools.

To alchemy, the gold is in the qualitative view and the silver in the quantitative. One has to admire their guts in seeing all other elements as shades of those two. Look at the spinner, trace their writings, and realize that the confusion about the field is only there because to explain the depth of purpose and reasoning behind their science was well beyond the abilities of their 'tourist' peers to understand if not their own abilty to express plainly. Gotta forgive the geeks for that!

Human developmen and modern development have 'brought up the rear' allowing again for us to return to out native obsession, that of bringing conscious light into the four corners of the world we choose to move into. With multiplication and division being made available to everyone, we could possibly, if we wanted to, integrate through and make peace with the past by settling the confusion about how the inner and the outer, the qualitative and the quantitative hang together.

ultimately, we're told, those are the same damn thing anyhow.


The Horoscope Wheel

Compare these information content of these astrological pizza's to what we can present whith AQAL today.

Imagine the charts rotating one way or the other.. see how you can indicate which arc of development you're on? body->spirit or spirit to body? someone encoded these concerns way back and they probably had good reson!
(lets ignor for a moment that aqal uses level, and esotericism modes)

Fancy how the lore and myth of the world could fit into a qualitative representational system like astrology, how the world's scientific understanding could be compressed into algebras of operations, how each is independently reducible to forms and how both ways of being, of thinking, of sorting out and using those realms could BE divorced of the other. people like the tao symbol because it says 'coexistent'. and as yin and yang are coexistant we have to acknowlegde their essential relations in a unified form.

Not to get heavy with this, but alchemy recognizes the notion of time delays, of spiral expansion and that of cyclical processes. It presumes an electric universe ruled by a science that is also the religion. From that point of view, all of us are the fallen angels. So the question is, are you smart enough to recognize the laments of our ancestors in their language?

Please don't call them stupid for writing in the timeless language of hermeneutic systems. What other than thoroughly integrated is a hermeneutic system anyways? Doesn't AQAL want to be one? Why not integrate???


as commonly acknowledged, art and science are distinct dimensions. to integrate them we have to, as we learned when we put length and width together, add a dimension, a column, to our thinking. another thing is true as well, if we want to guess the distance between two related points in space, we have to move around in another dimension to check it. as we do in space, we do in theory and so we need to use three dimensional thinking in order to check out the veracity of 2d projection and to make any theory about life at all have universal claims.
hmm. let me say that another way; since all theories about life must have three dimensions at least, we should use recognize that any 2d map is a projection.

as in life, there are 'issues' with projection in science too. statistics for example lets you project input onto a screen of resulting variables. these offer a surface which you can compare to other surfaces and so on. basically, if you know some [x] you can adapt the above pattern to that [x];

these screens and projections are useful. as we wrap our minds around them they can inform and balance aspects of ourselves we would have forgotten had we not looked.

In a world, balanced between infinities Georg Simon Ohm's work defined a crucial projective screen which relates information about the internal state of matter systems. He offered a 'vital' means of defining aliveness(*) without really specifying much more about it. yet we all know what a 'live wire' is.

Then Carl Jung came along and came up with the same darn system as the alchemists and said as much.

Author Info

From the shapes back to the ground, here's a flowchart of me with a decoder here and here.
I have a homepage of sorts, here

Blame this article for working out the ties between my own noun- and verb- ness for real. comes out to the same difference we see ripping the art/science union apart and we ought to teach this structure and the resulting equality/identities/mappings/translations better!

Obviously, I'm available for analysis and consultation. I know business and I'm also available as a counselor with a focus on energy and the body. I offer massage and am always glad for the chance to do touch, energy or shamanic-work with and for people. In additon, I teach visual thinking, self-encountering techniques and create brainwave balancing and meditative tracks. I enjoy reading and my boomerangs when I'm not exploring.