Zodiax | Chart | Grid | Rulers | Decans | Cube | Symbols

The Cube of Space

The cube as a symbol of the three dimensions inside time.

Cube | Faces | Axes | Cutout (big) | Chakras | Body

We're going to keep this easy, right? So on this page we're going to invoke the picture of the drunken philosopher rolling his dice, follow him along to the observation that there must have been a reason that the sides all added up to seven, and instead of passing out at the thought, we're going to jot down that 'by the principle of correspondences' we're entitled to say that the numbers encode some higher wisdom about our solar system and our place in it.

Hey, I'm driving and in this case the picture is not only symbolically in line with the middle of sagittarius, it also does not loose credibility by circumstance. So, its my opinion that that drunken guy was right on, entirely fictional as he is. As above so below gives us no problems twisting the faces of a die into a map of the solar system, especially not if it fits right in with the mess of cosmology out there! So lets get to it. Here is what I have:

Remember that we're looking at inner space here. Your dimensions may vary.