click to download. its a stand-alone exe requiring no installation.
just download, try and then do as you will.
if you know whats going on, you will grok the effects of the sliders in
30 seconds or less.
stop reading! try it, move a slider and think/reflect.
if its for you, you will know and might even drop me line. ;)
earlier related posts to our local list:
Rules of change are well known!
the program contains some more notes but the basic notion is that there are known qualitative universals, so called patterns, or formulas, which relate the actions of the quadrants and by which you can know/predict/choose/diagnose/apply yourself intelligently when participating in the world.
considering these universals, first mathematically formalized in the 1870's as Ohm's law to be formally applicable to reasoning about any four quadrant system promises one an easy reconciliation of superficially divergent thought, perhaps leading to a synthesis worthy of a 'revolution'.
Tesla thought this way and he was rumored to do quaternion math in his head. I sincerely wish we would make an effort toward integrating formal philosophy with the multidimensionality of science and get rid of the intellectual waste, confusion, redundancy and needless suffering that comes from our insistence of the denial of space.
seriously. we're denying space and we're tormenting yin each time we do it. thought and space as positive and negative infinities with the human plane 'emergent' through the central zero. where we come from. or that's what i read in the internal texts of the world. born of equal parts. canceling infinities and here we are.. flush with the thought of having come into beeing we get stuck, fixated on the pliableness of the thing, so 'stuck' on it that we forget to think 'in space' we do it.. but we play a game of not looking, of heroic marches toward infinity.. when the true source of all novelty is the zero. integration happens on a retrograde arc and always thought that source-connection. that all is the zero. bound between infinities. weren't you paying attention?
current modeling makes the center of a grid a very unhappy place to be. the resonance of being psychically affected by a model where there is no rest, no beeing (other than measured/compared/sliced/evaluated) where all the arrows go to infinity and you are always stretching.. nice idea, but life's not that way!
in 3d space, when you want to model holons so that you can talk intelligently about the idea of hierarchies you can just make as many onion like stacks tetrahedrons containing and/ passing through each other and you're done! you can animate it to have a 4th dimension in which to map to, you can put 4 animated windows on the screen and assign different 5th dimension purposes to those animations; you can put up a second monitor containing 4 more animated windows and have one screen show you manifesting and the other spiritualizing action.. or should i say heaven and earthly?
it grows up and gains another 2 degrees of freedom without changing anything
by evolving to the 'cube of space'
in which the AQAL mappings and its language can be perhaps be simplified.
first cut
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
3:30:17 PM
needs rewrite and walkthrough pix/story
if any of the above made any sense to you at all,
then you are ready to electrify your thinking: (zip) (help)
**** Note, in the help file to refer to the 4 elemental intelligences as if they were the only ones! since fundamentally to be smart is to act smart, and since there are an infinite? number of situation patterns (definitely not infinite though) there's more just these first 4. astrology layers 12 specialized intelligences on top of 10 styles of expression or planetary intelligences. if the archangels, disciples and numbers don't do it for you, you can subdivide the 12 into 36 to obtain even crisper distinctions for an easy 50 distinguishable traits. has a 'for geeks paper' and some earlier bits with a fully delineated of chakras, front & back, as well as an analysis of the 12 major lines in 3D, detailing the action of each planetary intelligence set on that cube and more ramblings all 100% compatible with the western mystery traditions.